October 21, 2024
prenup between couples

What Should A Woman Ask for In A Prenup

Amelia and Wilson had been dating for three years, and they were madly in love. Amelia was a successful entrepreneur who had built a thriving tech company from scratch. Wilson was a creative freelancer who worked in the entertainment industry.

They complemented each other perfectly, and they decided to take the next step and get married. Amelia didn’t think twice about getting a prenup. She believed that Wilson loved her for who she was, and that he wouldn’t take advantage of her success.

However, her best friend, who was also a successful businesswoman, warned her about the importance of a prenup. “I know you love Wilson, but you can’t predict what might happen in the future,” her friend said. “You’ve worked hard for your business, and you should protect it.”

Amelia didn’t want to think about the worst-case scenario, so she brushed off her friend’s advice. She and Wilson got married in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by their family and friends.

For the first few years of their marriage, everything was perfect. They were happy and in love, and they supported each other’s careers. However, things started to change when Wilson’s career hit a rough patch.

He wasn’t getting as many gigs as before, and he started to feel insecure about his financial situation. One day, he suggested to Amelia that they sell her company to help them through their financial troubles.

Amelia was taken aback. She had poured her heart and soul into her business and wasn’t willing to let it go. They argued for hours, and eventually, they decided to get a divorce.

Amelia was devastated. She felt like she had lost everything, including her business. She realized that if she had gotten a prenup, she could have protected her assets and avoided the heartache of a messy divorce.

In the end, Amelia and Wilson parted ways. It was a painful lesson, but Amelia learned that a prenup is not about distrust or lack of love. It’s about protecting your properties and your future finances, even if you’re in love.

The point of the piece is that prenup may not be the most romantic thing to think about, but it’s a crucial step before getting married. Women, especially those who have worked hard to build their careers and businesses, should prioritize getting a prenup to protect themselves and their financial future.


The Concept Of A Prenuptial Agreement

A prenup, also known as a prenuptial agreement, is a legal contract that people sign before they get married. The contract talks about what will happen to their money and property if they ever decide to separate or divorce.

Think of it like a set of rules that both people agree to follow if their marriage doesn’t work out. For example, the prenup might say that each person gets to keep the property and money they had before they got married. Or it might say that they will split everything 50-50 if they divorce.

Having a prenup is not a sign that a couple doesn’t trust each other or that they expect their marriage to fail. It’s simply a way to be prepared for the unexpected and to avoid conflicts if a separation ever happens.

Most Important Priorities to Address As A Woman In A Prenup?

When considering a prenup, it’s important to identify your priorities and what issues you want to address in the agreement. As a woman, there are several important priorities that you should address in a prenuptial agreement (prenup) to protect your interests and finances in the future. Here are some of the key areas to consider

  1. Protecting your premarital assets
  2. Defining marital properties
  3. Custody and support for children
  4. Business Ownership
  5. Alimony/spousal support
  6. Inheritance
  7. Retirement accounts
  8. Debts
  9. Confidentiality

Protecting Your Pre-Marital Assets

If you accumulated assets before your marriage, such as a business, investments, or real estate, these assets must be protected in the event of a divorce. In the event of a divorce, your prenup can specify how these assets will be divided or maintained.

Defining Marital Property

A prenup can also define what will be considered marital property. This includes any assets that you and your spouse acquire during your marriage, such as a home or joint bank account. By defining what is considered marital property, you can avoid confusion and disputes in the event of a divorce.

Custody And Support For Children

If the couple has children, it’s vital to address custody arrangements and child support in the prenup. However, it’s important to note that child custody and support agreements are typically subject to court review and cannot be predetermined in a prenup.

Business Ownership

If one spouse owns a business, a prenup can help protect it in the event of a divorce. It can specify how the business will be valued, whether the other spouse will receive a share of it, and how much they will receive.

Alimony/Spousal Support

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a payment made by one spouse to the other following a divorce to assist with living expenses. The couple can decide whether or not to include alimony provisions in their prenup, as well as how much support will be paid and for how long.

The prenup can also specify when alimony payments will cease, such as if the recipient remarries or begins living with someone else.


If one spouse anticipates receiving an inheritance, a prenuptial agreement can help protect it in the event of a divorce. The prenup can specify whether the inheritance will be treated as separate property or marital property in the property division.

The spouse receiving the inheritance can thus ensure that it remains their separate property and is not divided during a divorce.

Retirement Accounts

Retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs, can be significant assets for a couple. A prenup can specify how retirement accounts will be divided in the event of a divorce.

For example, the prenup can outline whether the accounts will be split evenly, or whether one spouse will keep their retirement account while the other receives a different asset in return.


In addition to assets, it’s important to address any debts that either spouse may have in a prenup. The prenup can outline how debts will be divided between the spouses in the event of a divorce.

For instance, the prenup can specify that each spouse will be responsible for their debts, or that the debts will be divided evenly between them.


You can also include provisions in your prenup to protect the privacy of your personal and financial information. This includes specifying what information can be shared with others, such as family members, lawyers, or financial advisors.


Other Things To Keep In Mind During A Prenuptial Agreement

While the most important priorities to address in a prenup have been outlined above, there are other less critical, yet still important things that couples should consider when drafting their prenuptial agreement. Here are a few additional things to keep in mind.

  1. Behavioral clauses
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Specifying the expiry of the prenup
  4. Tax payment regulation
  5. Review and update

Behavioral Clauses

Some couples may choose to include rules about how they expect each other to behave in their marriage, like being faithful to one another. If one spouse breaks these rules, they might have to pay money as a penalty.

While some people might not like these rules, they can help to make sure that both people in the marriage have the same expectations.

Conflict Resolution

Couples must consider how they will solve problems if they disagree. If they divorce, this can help them avoid going to court and spending a lot of money. A mediator or arbitrator could assist in deciding to solve problems.

Specifying The Expiry Of The Prenup

Couples should think about how the prenup can be changed or terminated. This is important if the couple’s situation changes, such as one person getting a new job or having children.

Having a way to change the prenuptial agreement can help the couple ensure that it is still fair to both parties.

Tax  Payment Regulation

Couples should consider how the prenuptial agreement may affect their taxes. If one person has a lot of money, they may have to pay more taxes. Couples can consult with a tax expert to ensure that the prenup will not cause problems with their taxes in the future.

Review And Update

Couples should review their prenuptial agreement regularly to ensure that it is still working for them. If something has changed, such as one person getting a new job or having a baby, the prenuptial agreement may need to be modified to be fair to both parties.

The couple can ensure that the prenup will still help them if they need it by reviewing and updating it.



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